Photo: Cat Hope
On June 7th I defended my PhD thesis, Sound Notation: The visual representation of sound for composition and analysis (available here) at KMH in Stockholm. Opponent was Professor Craig Vear from University of Nottingham (appearing on Zoom because of an injury) and in my thesis committee were Professors Cat Hope from Monash Univsersity, Palle Dahlstedt from Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Jason Noble from Université de Moncton, and Erkki Huovinen from KMH.
My supervisor has been Roberto Bresin from KTH and co-supervisors were Henrik Frisk, KMH, and Kjetil Falkenberg, KTH. Eva-Lotta Sallnäs Pysander from KTH chaired the defence which took place in Nathan Milstein Hall at KMH.
The defence started with a performance by great percussionist Joakim Anterot who performed a new work for percussion and electronics, made using Sound Notation where an electroacoustic work had been partly transcribed for live performance. The professor Vear and the committee provided an interesting and varied conversation about my new notation, its possibilities and limitations.
Now I am back at work with a new position as Director of Studies for composition at KMH besides teaching and more research, also composing choir music when I find the time.